The greens committee is comprised of Peter Oosthuizen (convenor), Kevin Horack, Hendri van der Merwe, Chris Dixon and Tienie Terblans. Formal meetings are held bi-monthly and informal discussions roughly once a week.
Suggestions, complaints etc.
As in the past all suggestions and comments are welcome but should be in writing to ensure a considered response. Please direct them to
As we all know we have had a considerable volume of rain with the result that the low lying areas have been flooded. The worst affected hole is the 9th and we have had inputs from Sean Quinn and Kevin Taylor. However before any suggested solutions can be implemented we have to “Drain the Swamp!” as the Orange Menace would put it.
We have engaged a contractor to open up the drainage ditches, thin out the scruffy willows on the right of 9, remove vegetation that is blocking the drains and open the drains all the way round the course. The last time this was done was about 6 years ago with very good results.
We have also opened the flap at 13 to allow the tides to flow which will also assist with the removal of water from the course.
The adverse weather has affected the pace of construction but the bunker on 16 will be completed by mid October. The excess soil is earmarked for an extension to the alternative tee on 17 which should add variety to the hole. No further disruptive work will be undertaken this year.
We are aware that the greens are somewhat slower than the ideal and Tienie will be taking steps to speed them up. Please bear with us in this regard. Now that Spring has sprung we can also expect the general condition of the course to improve and we look forward to providing the playing experience that you expect.
With best wishes for a happy golfing season.
Peter Oosthuizen
For the Greens Committee