On the 29th July 2017 Knysna Golf Club will host a fund-raising golf day with all proceeds going to the Southern Cape Fire Protection Association (SCFPA).
This NGO exists to help communities in the Southern Cape mitigate the re-occurrence of the recent devastating fires we have experienced.
Following the recent destruction to property, businesses and lives from the greatest natural disaster to hit the Garden Route and Knysna in particular for the past 100 years, we will be raising funds for the essential work done by the SCFPA.
You can be involved in this fund raising initiative by entering our Golf Day on the 29 July. The format will be 4-ball better ball in any combination of men and ladies.
The fee is R150 per person for all golfers.
The Club will donate ALL entrance fees to the SCFPA and there will be NO individual prizes, only the Phoenix Trophy to the winners.
Visitors are very welcome to attend the presentation after the competition at about 5.30pm.
In order to maximise the funds collected, we request any company or individual to offer sponsorship. For instance, your company’s signage on a particular hole @ R1000 or, perhaps, an item that can be auctioned.
TO ENTER: please register your name on the start sheet at the Club, or call on 044 384 1150 or email Chris at golf@knysnagolfclub.com
PS: If you wish to contribute directly to the SCFPA please go to www.scfpa.co.za where you will find a link to their donation page