The Knysna Golf Club has launched an innovative programme to develop budding young players. The club has devised a new Youth Development Membership scheme to encourage young people up to the age of 21 to take up the game and improve their skills.
Aimed at both girls and boys, the initiative has been designed to enable young people from families whose financial circumstances would otherwise preclude them from playing golf to be supported, helped and coached in one of our country’s most popular sports.
Club Captain Sean Tanner explained:
“We will be offering 12 places to youngsters in the Knysna area. They will be entitled to free club membership and free green fees for an initial 12-month period. Each individual’s progress will be evaluated on an annual basis and those who show genuine enthusiasm and whose skills have improved will have their free membership extended for a further year.
“All we ask is that the applicants demonstrate a passion for the game, a keen interest in learning and be committed to participating regularly in the activities we are planning for them.”
Young people who would like to take advantage of this scheme should initially contact the Club Captain or the Knysna Golf Club office with their name, age and contact details (phone/cell number or email address).
Applicants will be invited for an informal interview with the Club Captain & President who will then select the 12 most promising candidates. Closing date for applications is Friday 3rd November 2017.
Contact Sean Tanner at:
Alternatively, call Quinten or Runelle at the Knysna Golf Club Office: 044 384 1150.